SkillSET Blog
Advice For Pros · October 14, 2022 · AUTHOR: Darwin Pelea

Becoming a Mortgage Broker: What You Need to Know

If you’re looking for a career in real estate, becoming a mortgage broker may be right up your alley. Mortgage brokers are in high demand and can earn upwards of $50,000 per year. If you want to know more about this exciting career path, keep reading!

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It’s a Pivotal Role in the Real Estate Industry

As a mortgage broker, you’re the one responsible for connecting borrowers to banks and other financial institutions. You’re the middle man between them. As such, you play an incredibly important role in this industry—so much so that some would argue it's pivotal.

A Mortgage Broker is a Middle-Man Between a Bank and a Borrower

When you hear the term “mortgage broker,” what do you picture? Maybe a middle-aged man in a suit with a briefcase? Or perhaps an eager woman with a pen and notepad who helps you find the best-priced loan for your home purchase?

You are right on both accounts! A mortgage broker is someone who connects borrowers with lenders. They work with borrowers to find the best loan option for them based on their specific needs. A mortgage broker can help you get a loan even if you have bad credit or no down payment at all!

A Mortgage Broker Must Have a Wealth of Knowledge

To become a mortgage broker, you'll need to have extensive knowledge of real estate, finance, and the mortgage process. You'll need to be able to explain how a mortgage works to borrowers as well as lenders. It's also helpful if you're familiar with different types of mortgages, such as fixed-rate or adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs).

A Mortgage Broker Must Have Strong Communication Skills

Communication is key in any career and that is especially true in the mortgage industry. In addition to communicating with clients, you will also need to communicate with lenders and real estate agents. Communication skills are critical because of the diverse nature of your client base. A large portion of your clients will be native English speakers but there will likely be some who speak a different language or are not as fluent in English as others.

A Mortgage Broker must be Patient

So you want to be a mortgage broker? The first thing you'll need is patience. Being a mortgage broker means that you'll have to wait for your clients' loans and mortgages to close, which can sometimes take weeks or even months before it happens. 

You may also have to deal with many questions from your clients during this time, as they don't always know what's going on with their loan or mortgage application and may need clarification on things that aren't clear.

It's important for you not only as an employee of the bank but also as someone who deals with people regularly in all kinds of situations—from those who are just starting their careers and need help setting up their first home purchase; to those who've been there done that but still want help figuring out how much house they can afford after moving in together; up until people who are downsizing so they don't feel like they're drowning under all their belongings anymore!

A Mortgage Broker Should Be Good With Numbers

You need to be good with numbers. You’ll be calculating interest rates, amortization schedules, and credit scores on the fly.

You’ll also need a license to become an official mortgage broker. This means you get to take your career seriously and enjoy the benefits that come from having a license—like earning more money!

The Hours Can be Flexible

As a mortgage broker, you have the flexibility to set your hours. This means that you can choose to work full-time, part-time, or even as a single contractor – all depending on what works best for you.

Many brokers enjoy having the option of working from home because it allows them to spend more time with their families or pursue other interests outside of work. Others may decide that they want an office environment and find a place where they can meet clients face-to-face. Regardless of which option works best for you, knowing that there is flexibility in how and when you choose to do your job makes it much easier on yourself physically and mentally!

If you would like to enter the field of real estate, becoming a mortgage broker may be for you.

To become one, though, there are a few things you will need:

  • A license. The government requires this for certain people who want to broker mortgages.

  • A wealth of knowledge about real estate and mortgages. You must know how loans work and what kinds of loans exist so that you can find the best ones for your customers based on their needs and wants. Also, be knowledgeable about the different types of properties available in your area so that you can recommend them when appropriate or help clients avoid bad deals by knowing which areas have undesirable qualities (such as poor schools).

  • Patience, patience, and a lot of patience! It takes time to learn everything that goes into being an expert mortgage broker—and even more, time if someone is learning on their own rather than going through school or taking classes to get certified (which isn't required). There are some people who learn faster than others because they are highly motivated, while others may take longer because they lack motivation or are not yet willing enough. It all depends on how much effort each individual put into learning everything they need to know before applying. Before putting yourselves out there, make sure you feel comfortable enough with what is expected of you.

Final Thought

If you are interested in becoming a mortgage broker, it is important to know what this job entails. It’s not an easy one and requires a lot of work. The most important thing is that you need to be licensed by NMLS before applying for any job at all because as mentioned earlier, this is regulated by federal law which means every brokerage has its own set of rules regarding who they allow into their business. However, you should check the license requirements in your state since they vary from one to another.

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